GDEE Courses Competences


System Thinking 

Ability to recognize and analyse the complexity of development issues across different domains (society, environment, economy, etc.) and across different scales (local to global). Ability to identify locally and globally relevant SHD issues and to connect the local and global aspects. Ability to analyse and explain the role of technology and engineering in a globalized context connecting local and global aspects. 


Ability to acquire relevant knowledge about SHD challenges and issues. Ability to select educational goals for SHD, taking into account the prior knowledge of students, and the diversity within the group of learners. Ability to find partners outside the school community and to co-operate with organizations which promote SHD. 

Ethic and Values 

Ability to include and embed in teaching SD Ethic and values, principles and goals. Ability to encourage students to question their beliefs and assumptions on SD values such as justice, solidarity, dignity, participation, etc. in order to clarify their thinking. Ability to work with student on contradictory beliefs, assumptions and values as well as moral dilemmas, specifically about the role of technology and engineering in sustainable development issues. 


Ability to introduce SHD as cross-cutting issues in teaching (introductory courses). Ability to advice students involved in field-work or other extension activities during BSc projects or MSc thesis, typically within a formalized International Cooperation Project (mid-level courses). Ability to design and implement a subject in the field of SHD (advanced courses). 


Ability to motivate students towards Sustainable Development issues through Leadership and Empathy. Motivate and facilitate participative problem solving and Teamwork. Build capacity to understand diversity across cultures, social groups, communities.