Courses: Readings

The GDEE courses include readings of the following book series (also, partially, in Spanish, and in Catalan)


Vol. 1. Making the case for a critical global engineer (La necesidad del ingeniero global)

Chapter 1. The global dimension of engineering, Douglas Bourn, Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University of London [also in Catalan]

Chapter 2. Science, Technology, Innovation and Society, Javier Carrasco, Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid; Miguel Ángel Pantoja, ONGAWA -­‐ Engineering for Human Development; Carlos Mataix, Technology and Innovation Development Centre of the Technical University of Madrid

Chapter 3. Technology  and human basic needs, Carlos del Cañizo, Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Leopoldo Antolín, Ángel Fernández, Alba Ramos, ONGAWA – Engineering for Human Development [also in Catalan]

Chapter 4. Professional and international perspectives of Engineering: the case of energy, Emanuela Colombo, Lorenzo Mattarolo, Alessandro Manzato, Francesco Romeo, Politecnico di Milano, UNESCO Chair in Energy for Sustainable Development; Riccardo Mereu, Tomaso Amati, Engineering Without Borders Milan [also in Catalan]

Chapter 5. Professional ethics and social responsibility of the engineers, J. Félix Lozano, Professor, Universitat Politècnica de València


Vol. 2. Key elements for addressing the global dimension of engineering (Los elementos clave para afrontar la dimensión global de la ingeniería)

Chapter 1. New visions on development and cooperation, Gema Celorio Diaz, Institute of Studies in Development and International Cooperation HEGOA, at Universidad del País Vasco [also in Catalan]

Chapter 2. The capabilities approach to human development, Alejandra Boni Aristizabal, Group of Studies on Development, International Cooperation and Ethics, Universitat Politècnica de València

Chapter 3. Sustainable development, Carola Calabuig Tormo, Group of Studies on Development, International Cooperation and Ethics, Universitat Politècnica de València [also in Catalan]

Chapter 4. Participation, governance and citizenship, Jordi Peris Blanes, Group of Studies on Development, International Cooperation and Ethics, Universitat Politècnica de València.

Chapter 5. Gender perspective, Clara Murguialday, Institute of Studies in Development and International Cooperation HEGOA.


Vol. 3. The global engineer in sustainable human development (El ingeniero global en el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible)

Chapter 1. (Re)shaping knowledge. The contribution of Sustainability Science. Jordi Segalàs, Gemma Tejedor, Gisela Cebrián, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Chapter 2. Linking knowledge with action. Massimo Zortea, Università di Trento [also in Catalan]

Chapter 3. The role of technology for SHD solutions. Mike Clifford, University of Nottingham [also in Catalan]

Chapter 4. Understanding the Social Dimension. Elisabet Roca Bosch and Miriam Villares Junyent, Laboratory of Social Studies of Civil Engineering. Department of Transport Infrastructure and Territory. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. [also in Catalan]

Chapter 5. Translating SDH into business practices. José Manuel Gómez, Rudy Martínez, ONGAWA – Engineering for Human Development


Vol. 4. Supervising engineering students 

Chapter 1. The supervision process at the stage of a MS/BS thesis - Supervising an individual/a group, Mike Clifford, University of Nottingham

Chapter 2. Volunteering and/or preparation for a professional career, Massimo Zortea, University of Trento 

Chapter 3. Action and research preparation and following up, José Ramón Cobo and Manuel Sierra Castañer, professors, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid [also in Catalan]

Chapter 4. Field work preparation and following up, Rachel Smith, Engineers Without Borders UK

Chapter 5. Academic reporting and feedback to stakeholders and society, Xosé Ramil Ferreiro, Technology and Innovation Development Centre of the Technical University of Madrid [also in Catalan]


Vol. 5. Knowing the context and partners 

Chapter 1. Partnership schemes between universities and international development cooperation organisations. María de los Llanos Gómez Torres. Centre for Development Cooperation, Universitat Politècnica de València

Chapter 2. The importance of context in development fieldwork. Nicola E. Greene, Humanitarian Engineering and Computing, Coventry University

Chapter 3. Understanding environmental conflicts. Massimo de Marchi, Università di Padova, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural, Engineering and Monica Ruffato, Anthropologist, pedagogist

Chapter 4. Interacting with different actors. Marianella Sclavi, Politecnico di Milano

Chapter 5. Participatory approaches methods, tools and examples. Gerardo de Luzenberger, Università di Trento


Vol. 6. Knowing international cooperation 

Chapter 1. Financial support & grants: existing examples from different countries. Gabriella Trombino, Università degli Studi di Trento

Chapter 2. Examples of successful projects and analysis of non-successful ones. Isabel Ortiz Marcos, Coordinator of the research group for co-­operation in organization, quality and environment, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Jaime Moreno Serna, Innovation and Technology for Development Centre, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Chapter 3. Project design and description. Rafael Monterde-­‐Díaz, professor of the Universitat Politècnica de València

Chapter 4. Logical framework. Gabriella Trombino, Università degli Studi di Trento

Chapter 5. Problems and objectives' trees, gantt diagram and budget design. Jordi Pascual-­‐Ferrer and Agustí Pérez-­‐Foguet, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 


Vol. 7. Integrating GDE into the Academia 

Chapter 1. The role of engineering education in relation to the global dimension. Cathryn Gathercole, Director, Tide~ global learning

Chapter 2. Mapping the global dimension within teaching and learning. Edmond Byrne, School of Engineering, Process & Chemical Engineering, University College Cork

Chapter 3. Level, distribution and depth. Jamie Goggins, College of Engineering & Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway

Chapter 4. 'Nuts and bolts': regulatory frameworks and barriers to inclusion. Basil Wakelin, Chair, International Engineering Alliance

Chapter 5. Monitoring and evaluation. Rachel Horn Patricia Murray, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield


Vol. 8. Integrating GDE into teaching theory and practice 

Chapter 1. Key Learning Theories in GDEE, Jordi Segalàs, University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Chapter 2. Skills and Competencies for GDEE, Katie Cresswell-­‐Maynard, Head of Learning, Research & Innovation, Engineers Without Borders UK and Alistair Cook, former Head of Learning, Engineers Without Borders UK

Chapter 3. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs), Rhoda Trimingham, Senior Lecturer, Sustainable Design Research Group, Loughborough University

Chapter 4. Teaching and Assessment methods, Rhoda Trimingham, Senior Lecturer, Sustainable Design Research Group, Loughborough University

Chapter 5. The issue of relevance, Daniel Pargman, School of Computer Science and Communication and Centre for Sustainable Communications, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden


Vol. 9. Integrating GDE into research

Chapter 1. Why? How to align your research with priority areas in GD, Guido Zolezzi, Gabriella Trombino & Massimo Zortea, UNESCO Chair in Engineering for Human and Sustainable Development, University of Trento

Chapter 2. Research Methods for GDEE, Elisabet Roca Bosch, Laboratory of Social Studies of Civil Engineering, Department of Transport Infrastructure and Territory, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Chapter 3. Engineering Education research, with a focus on Engineering for Development, Elizabeth Hauke, Senior Teaching Fellow, Imperial College London

Chapter 4. Funding routes, Soraya Hidalgo Hidalgo, Research & Innovation Advisor and Project Manager, European Projects Office, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Chapter 5. Collaboration, Armela Dino, Policy Analyst, State Secretariat of Science, Development & Innovation, Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness, Spain