2nd European Award

Best Practices for the Integration of Sustainable Human Development (SHD) into Technology and Engineering Education 2015


The GDEE Awards give academics the chance to demonstrate their innovations and best practices in integrating sustainable human development issues into technology and engineering education.

The 2nd Edition Award was awarded to seven best proposals. These seven awarded proposals will receive a cash prize of €3,000 (before tax), and will attend the Award Ceremony to present the awarded proposal in Barcelona (Spain) in January 2015. 

These seven best proposals are available on the links below:


Award winner 1: Integrated Development Aid Awareness into Architecture - Basic Habitability Group 

Award winner 2:  Sustainable Human Development – Tackling Interdisciplinary Early: Transforming Technical Expertise into Global Citizenship 

Award winner 3:  Strengthening The Education Capabilities of University of Makeni (Unimak, Sierra Leone)

Award winner 4: Incorporating Sustainable Wool Processing using Engineering Solutions into the Academic Curriculum

Award winner 5:  A global perspective. Environmental Sustainability and Cooperation Workshop in southern Morocco

Award winner 6:  Real-world Water and Sanitation MSc Thesis Research with Cranfield University

Award winner 7:  ECOLOGY: A Game-experiment to Approximate Engineer Students to Sustainable Human Development and the Limits to Growth Concepts  


To access terms and conditions of the award please click here.

Download the Award Poster (size A3).