Thinking Globally

“What are the relationships between the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of engineering, and the relationship between global and local systems?"

"What are the global drivers of change?"

"How will these global drivers impact upon engineering?"

"What is the contribution of engineering to positive world change?"

"What technologies and approaches offer the most promise?”

"Is there justice in the current systems of technology research, development and access?" 

There is little doubt about the potential role that education can play in efforts to promote and achieve sustainable human development (SHD). However, a challenge facing the sector is a shortage of academics actively engaged in integrating measures related to SHD in teaching activities, particularly in technical subjects such as engineering and science. 

Adding the Global Dimension

Issues such as climate change, poverty, inequality and globalisation fundamentally shape the world in which we live. In order to prepare engineering graduates for an increasingly complex world, and equip them with the attitudinal values and skills to help tackle key global issues, it is essential that they:

- Develop a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of all things on our planet
- Understand the ways, both positively and negatively, in which engineering impacts on various issues within the global dimension
- Recognise that engineering is a global profession and that learning about the global dimension is essential, even for those engineers who never work outside their home country

Achieving the Global Dimension

The GDEE project aims to integrate SHD as a cross-cutting issue in teaching activities to improve the capacity of academics working in engineering and other technical subjects to more effectively deliver the global dimension within their programs through a two-fold strategy:

- By improving academics' competencies in introducing SHD into the curricula
- By facilitating the engagement of both staff and students in academic initiatives related to SHD